Sunday, June 17, 2012

Only a few more days of MY summertime!!

I have given myself just a few more days of "summer" before jumping back into "School Mode". Yes, I am fully aware that as of this post there is 1 month 19 days 14 hours and 6 minutes until school starts again, but I NEED TO GET READY!
Between trying to launch the new CCGPS (that's Common Core Georgia Performance Standards for all you lay people), trying the implement The Daily 5, cleaning my house that goes neglected from August to May, running all over the State watching my kid play baseball, being married, & desperately trying to lose weight by exercising and eating right...I AM OVERWHELMED. Oh did I mention that during ALL of these things, I'm trying to manage my severe ADHD!!

SO, I finished reading The Daily 5. I'm still rereading my notes, and making NEW notes and "To Do" Lists, but I'm pretty sure THAT area is under control.

NOW, I would like to focus on getting into some sort of routine to get rid of this weight!!!

I am TRYING to follow Weight Watchers, but with two 16 year old boys and my behemoth husband NOT watching what THEY eat, it's been difficult! OH, plus I hate, hate, double hate to cook!

I recently got the Brazilian Butt workout dvds. I may be getting a "rounder, firmer Bum Bum" but I ain't losing no weight!!

Pray that I get something under control soon, or I'm gonna have to start the school year dressed in the bed sheets!

Peace, Love & Tutus Y'all!!